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What A Wonderful Family! 3 嫲煩家族 3 走佬阿嫂 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka What A Wonderful Family! 3: My Wife, My Life / Tsumayo Baranoyouni Kazoku wa Tsuraiyo III
$29.99 USD

Isao Hashizume
Kazuko Yoshiyuki
Masahiko Nishimura
Yui Natsukawa
Tomoko Nakajima
Shozo Hayashiya
Satoshi Tsumabuki
Yu Aoi
Senjiro Fujiyama
Yoji Yamada
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
124 minutes
Panorama. (HK)
Release Date:
31 May 2019
Fumie (Yui Natsukawa) lives in a three-generational household with her two growing sons, her husband Konosuke (Masahiko Nishimura), and his parents. One afternoon, she nods off to sleep in between performing her usual chores, during which time a thief breaks into the house and steals a sum of money she kept hidden in the refrigerator! Konosuke berates Fumie, saying: “You saved up a nest egg from my earnings?!” His insensitive negation of her daily struggle to complete all the household tasks dumped in her lap sets off an explosion of her pent-up anger and frustration. She walks out on the family, leaving them to do everything for themselves! Konosuke's mother Tomiko (Kazuko Yoshiyuki) is ill, so his father Shuzo (Isao Hashizume) takes on the unfamiliar tasks of cleaning, washing clothes, and cooking, but this doesn’t last long. The Hiratas finally come to understand and appreciate the sheer volume of work that Fumie was coping with every day on their behalf, but there is still no sign she will ever come back. This calls for an emergency family conference! Is the Hirata family on the verge of permanent collapse this time?!
原班人馬再度埋班一家人默契滿分,嫲煩家族麻煩事接二連三!老頑固鬧完離婚,死埋老友,今次輪到新抱離家出走!大嫂(夏川結衣 飾)持家有道事無大小照顧周到,忽然一日賊仔上門將她的私己錢偷走,老公(西村雅彥 飾)大發雷霆令她心灰意冷拂袖而去。一屋上下頓時七國咁亂,老爺子(橋爪功 飾)不得不幫忙打理家務,手忙腳亂仲差點燒晒全家!平田家陷入家變危機,最後如何收科?
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)