Full River Red Blu-ray (2023) 滿江紅 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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Full River Red Blu-ray (2023) 滿江紅 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Shen Teng 沈騰
Jackson Yee 易烊千璽
Zhang Yi 張譯
Lei Jiayin 雷佳音
Wang Jiayi 王佳怡
Yue Yunpeng 岳雲鵬

Zhang Yimou 張藝謀

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby TrueHD 5.1 Upsampling

Mandarin 普通話/國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time:  
157 minutes

Edko Films Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
15 Sept 2023

12th century China, during the Song Dynasty, set against a brewing rebellion by the Jin people against the Imperial Court.
Two hours before a crucial diplomatic meeting between the Song Prime Minister Qin Hui and a high level Jin delegation, the Jin Ambassador is murdered. An important letter destined for the Emperor is stolen from him. As the search for the letter unfolds, alliances are formed, secrets are revealed, and no one can stop the truth that is destined to leave its mark in history.

2023 新春賀歲片票房冠軍,張藝謀大導演勁破40億票房燒腦神作!
南宋紹興年間,岳飛死後四年,秦檜率兵與金國會談。會談前夜,金國使者死在宰相駐地,所攜密信也不翼而飛。小兵張大 (沈騰 飾)與親兵營副統領孫均 (易烊千璽 飾)機緣巧合被裹挾進這巨大陰謀之中,宰相秦檜 (雷佳音 飾)命兩人限一個時辰之內找到兇手。伴隨危機四伏的深入調查,宰相府總管何立 (張譯 飾)、副總管武義淳 (岳雲鵬 飾)、舞姬瑤琴 (王佳怡 飾)等人捲入局中,案件的背後似乎隱藏著一場更大的陰謀。局中有局、人心叵測,一夜之間風雲變幻,各方勢力暗流湧動……

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Full River Red Blu-ray (2023) 滿江紅 (Region A) (English Subtitled)
  • Full River Red Blu-ray (2023) 滿江紅 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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