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The Tokyo Night Sky is Always the Densest Shade of Blue 東京夜空最深藍 (2017) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Yozora wa Itsudemo Saiko Mitsudo no Aoiro da
$29.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Shizuka Ishibashi
Sosuke Ikematsu
Ryuhei Matsuda
Mikako Ichikawa
Tetsushi Tanaka
Ryo Sato
Takahiro Miura
Paul Magsign
Chikara Onishi
Yoshimi Nozaki
Yuya Ishii
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
12 Oct 2018
Newcomer Shizuka Ishibashi throws herself into the role of Mika, a nurse by day, a 'girlie bar' hostess by night, subject to feelings of anxiety and isolation, and unable to reach through a hard outer shell that stops her from expressing tenderness to anyone else. Sosuke Ikematsu, one of Japan's most important young actors, stars as Shinji, who struggles as a day-hire construction worker with a sense of impending doom, but who still tries to find the source of an unnamable hope he feels inside. The setting is Tokyo in 2017, where empty words, a sense of doom, and feelings of isolation co-exist with hope, trust, and love. In the sense of real life conjured up in these two people is a new kind of film: the densest kind of love story.
美香(石橋靜河 飾)日間在醫院當護士,見盡生死;晚間在酒吧兼職陪酒,僵硬的笑容背後埋藏著對生活的意興闌珊。慎二(池松壯亮 飾)在地盤打散工,左眼失明,只看見世界的一半,即使有幾位好友相隨,也平息不了內心的厭世與不安。在繁囂喧鬧的東京,一對活在社會邊緣的年輕 男女相遇,是否能為彼此枯寂的生命,帶來一絲溫暖慰藉?
movie trailer (English subtitled)