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The Secret Life of Pets 2 2D + 3D Blu-Ray (2019) PET PET當家2 (Region Free) (Hong Kong Version)
$47.99 USD

Region Coding: Region Free
Chris Renaud
Jonathan Del Val
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital Plus 7.1, Dolby Digital 5.1
English, Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai
Running Time:
86 minutes
Universal Pictures / Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK
Release Date:
30 Sept 2019
Terrier Max is coping with some major life changes. His owner is now married and has a toddler, Liam. Max is so worried about protecting the boy that he develops a nervous tic. On a family trip to a farm, Max and mutt Duke encounter canine-intolerant cows, hostile foxes and a terrifying turkey, all of which only elevates Max’s anxiety. Luckily, Max gets some guidance from veteran farm dog Rooster, who pushes Max to ditch his neuroses, find his inner alpha, and give Liam a little more freedom.
Meanwhile, while her owner is away, plucky Pomeranian Gidget tries to rescue Max’s favorite toy from a cat-packed apartment with a little help from her feline friend, Chloe, who has discovered the joys of catnip.
And crazy-but-cute bunny Snowball gets delusions of grandeur that he’s an actual superhero after his owner Molly starts dressing him in superhero pajamas. But when Daisy, a fearless Shih Tzu, shows up to ask for Snowball’s help on a dangerous mission, he’ll have to summon the courage to become the hero he’s only been pretending to be.
Terrier Max is coping with some major life changes. His owner is now married and has a toddler, Liam. Max is so worried about protecting the boy that he develops a nervous tic. On a family trip to a farm, Max and mutt Duke encounter canine-intolerant cows, hostile foxes and a terrifying turkey, all of which only elevates Max’s anxiety. Luckily, Max gets some guidance from veteran farm dog Rooster, who pushes Max to ditch his neuroses, find his inner alpha, and give Liam a little more freedom. Meanwhile, while her owner is away, plucky Pomeranian Gidget tries to rescue Max’s favorite toy from a cat-packed apartment with a little help from her feline friend, Chloe, who has discovered the joys of catnip. And crazy-but-cute bunny Snowball gets delusions of grandeur that he’s an actual superhero after his owner Molly starts dressing him in superhero pajamas. But when Daisy, a fearless Shih Tzu, shows up to ask for Snowball’s help on a dangerous mission, he’ll have to summon the courage to become the hero he’s only been pretending to be. Can Max, Snowball, Gidget and the rest of the gang find the inner courage to face their biggest fears?
Can Max, Snowball, Gidget and the rest of the gang find the inner courage to face their biggest fears?
爹利犬阿麥正經歷「狗」生巨變 — 主人凱迪結了婚,有了兒子里安,而阿麥一日到黑都為了保護小主人而緊張到癲。原本阿麥和老友大嚿十分期待成家人去農莊旅行鬆一鬆,點知遇上串爆牛牛、火爆狐狸,同埋恐佈火雞,反而加劇了阿麥的焦慮。最後,牠從農莊狗老大雄雞身上學懂放手,俾空間里安成長,變得不再神經質,更找出自己強大的一面!那邊廂,心儀阿麥、心口有個勇字的松鼠狗寶珠趁主人不在家,決定勇闖一個「全部都係貓」的屋企,救出阿麥心愛的玩具嗡嗡B,得到貓朋友欣宜助牠一臂之力,寶珠能否完成任務?Cute到爆的兔兔毛毛自命不凡,自從主人莫莉為牠穿上超級英雄裝束後,就自以為是個超級英雄… 直到新朋友西施狗阿花請牠深入險地進行絕密救援 — 毛毛這次必須鼓起勇氣,才能真真正正成為超級英雄!
This Blu-ray set contains both the 3D version and the 2D version. To play the 3D version, you need a 3D Blu-ray player and a 3D compatible display that supports 3D glasses (glasses are not included for this item).
movie trailer (Cantonese Dubbed. Chinese subtitled)
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)