Ghost Wedding (2022) 冥婚 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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Ghost Wedding (2022) 冥婚 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)

Carlos Chan 陳家樂
Rose Chen 陳嘉桓
Yu Kiu Ava 雨僑
Helena Law Lan 羅蘭
Tats Cheung 張達明
Shirley Yim 雪梨

Leung Hung Wah 梁鴻華

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby Digital 5.1

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:  
89 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
23 Sept 2022

The talented photographer Chen Zhi Cheng (Carlos Chan) was able to see things invisible to ordinary people since he was a child, and was entangled by the "woman in red" for many years, causing the relatives and lovers around him to lose their lives under the control of ghosts one after another…

才華橫溢的攝影師陳志成 (陳家樂 飾) 從小就能看到常人看不見的東西,且長年被一名「紅衣女子」糾纏,導致身邊的親人與愛人均在鬼影的操控下慘死;神志不清的母親亦不時無端咒駡陳志成,使陳志成已接受了自己是「不祥人」,甚至拒絕了自己也心儀的大學同學齊思桐 (陳嘉桓 飾) 的表白。可是就在陳志成以為一切惡夢已離他遠去之際,齊思桐竟亦難逃惡運,無故慘死。陳志成誓要尋找真相,卻揭發一個發生於70年前,關於一場「冥婚」的秘密……

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Ghost Wedding (2022) 冥婚 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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