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The Propaganda Game 洗腦遊戲 DVD (Mare Nostrum Productions) (Region 3) (Hong Kong Version) aka The Ko
$24.99 USD

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Alvaro Longoria
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 EX Surround
Original Soundtrack
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Mare Nostrum Productions
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
7 Dec 2016
Through his acquaintance with the North Korean government’s sole foreign worker, Spanish filmmaker Alvaro Longoria (Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony) gained unprecedented access into the hermit kingdom to shoot this documentary about how propaganda distorts our conception of the truth. Exploring the ongoing propaganda war between the North Korean regime and the West, Longoria analyzes how lies, false reports and half-truths are perpetuated by both sides and offers a balanced perspective through interviews with North Korean citizens, regional specialists and regime critics, letting audiences decide for themselves the results of this Propaganda Game.
提起北韓,你第一時間想起什麼﹖領導人金正恩、核武、勞改營、饑荒、政權鬥爭抑或酷刑﹖ 我們對北韓的認知主要來自外國媒體的報導,這些資訊的內容及其真偽一直備受爭議。西班牙哥雅獎最佳紀錄片導演艾華路朗哥利亞決定撇開主流媒體的角度,在北韓特別代表Alejandro的帶領下,深入這鐵幕背後的共產國家,拍下北韓人不為人知的生活面貌 。他請來不同專家、學者、權威人士及脫北者就他所見所聞補充解說,讓觀眾多角度探視北韓,一同參與這場洗腦遊戲。
trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)