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The Last Recipe 最後的食譜 (2017) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Last Recipe: Memory of Giraffe's Tongue / Rasuto Reshipi ~Kirin no Shita no Kioku~
$24.99 USD
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Kazunari Ninomiya
Gou Ayano
Yoshi Oida
Hidetoshi Nishijima
Aoi Miyazaki
Daigo Nishihata
Yutaka Takenouchi
Wakato Kanematsu
Yasunari Takeshima
Sou Hirosawa
Yasuo Daichi
Yojiro Takita
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX
Original Sound 原聲 (mainly in Japanese, part-of Mandarin and Russian)
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
31 Jan 2019
Mitsuru Sasaki (Kazunari Ninomiya) is a formerly renowned chef who now capitalizes on his gift—remembering every flavor he’s ever tasted—to earn a living by recreating memorable dishes as last meals. But all his earnings go to paying off the debt from his failed restaurant. One day, he’s contacted by Qingming Yang, a titan in the culinary world in China. Mitsuru was asked to search for and recreate a recipe that’s gone missing—the “Great Japanese Imperial Feast”, a 112-dish course meal commissioned by the Japanese military in the 1930’s as a historic feast to honor the Emperor on his visit to Manchukuo. Though skeptical and reluctant, Mitsuru agrees to the job after a lucrative offer. But during the process of research, he began to doubt the conspiracy and secret hidden behind it…
對料理充滿熱誠及執著的佐佐木充(二宮和也 飾)擁有吃過一次就能記住味道的能力。他與互相依靠長大的柳澤健(綾野剛 飾)一同開了餐廳,但卻失敗收場,欠下高額債款,於是他開始為瀕死的人重現美味料理來謀生及填補債款。這時,充收到來自中國料理界舉足輕重的人物楊晴明的巨額委託,希望他能重現傳說中由駐滿洲國之日本料理人山形直太朗(西島秀俊 飾)創作的料理全席──「大日本帝國食菜全席」共112道菜式的食譜。搜索過程中,充開始慢慢明白楊晴明委託他的原 因……
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)