PlayStation Games
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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Charlize Theron
Javier Bardem
Adèle Exarchopoulos
Jared Harris
Jean Reno
Denise Newman
Sean Penn
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital EX
Original Soundtrack 原聲 (mainly in English, part-of French and African)
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
131 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
19 Oct 2018
The Last Face centers around a love affair between Dr. Wren Petersen (Academy Award (R) winner, Charlize Theron), the director of an international aid organization and Dr. Miguel Leon (Academy Award (R) winner, Javier Bardem), a relief-aid doctor. Set against the devastating backdrop of war-torn Liberia, Miguel and Wren must find a way to keep their relationship alive in extraordinarily difficult conditions battling their mutual passion for the value of life matched by the intensity of their diametrically opposed opinions on how best to solve the conflict that surrounds them. Directed by Two-time Academy Award (R) winner Sean Penn, The Last Face also stars Primetime Emmy (R) nominee Jared Harris, and celebrated French actors Jean Reno and Adèle Exarchopoulos.
彼慧恩醫生(查理絲花朗 飾)是聯合國幹事,已故父親是世界醫生組織的創辦人之一。在父親陰影下,她一直認為自己只是個空談理想,沒有活出真正生 命意義的人。因此,慧恩希望繼承父親遺志,到戰地災區從事志願工作。 一次,她在內戰連天的利比里亞,遇上麥高里昂醫生(夏維爾巴頓 飾)。麥高對傷者的關懷和熱情,深深吸引著慧恩。於是,二人一起展開前線緊急救援 工作,更墮入愛河,亦令慧恩重燃對生命的激情。 隨著時間過去,慧恩目睹戰亂人心醜惡的一面。縱使在前線不停工作,也絲毫不能改變現況。她認為唯一希望是借助國際輿論力量,才有望停止內戰。但麥高則希望繼續留在前線,用雙手救活每個有血有肉的人,比安坐冷氣房紙上談兵,出席籌款活動有意義得多。價值觀的差別使兩人的距離愈來愈遠,慧恩萌 生去意。 一段在戰火中的愛情,由激情燃起,但現實的無奈,戰爭的傷痛,令兩人陷入 極大的矛盾和掙扎之中。在戰亂中,對與錯的界線,又由誰界定?