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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
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Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Ivana Wong 王菀之
Bob Lam 林盛斌
Philip Keung 姜皓文
Edmond Leung 梁漢文
Jacky Cai 蔡潔
Natalie Tong 唐詩詠
Ben Yuen 袁富華
Susan Siu Yam Yam 邵音音
Candy Man Suet Yee 文雪兒
Danny Summer 夏韶聲
Alex Fong 方力申
Patrick Kong 葉念琛
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling
Original Soundtrack (mainly in Cantonese, part-of Mandarin and English), Mandarin 原聲 (主要粵語, 部份國語和英語), 國語/普通語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
105 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
5 March 2021
Just as the happy-go-lucky Suki (Ivana Wong) thinks she is headed to the altar with long-time boyfriend Chico (Edmond Leung), she learns of his affair with business partner Kiki (Jacky Cai). Suki’s simple world crumbles in an instant. Despite being loveless, joyless and jobless, Suki holds out hope. She works hard and achieves her dream of becoming a bus driver. Even though she has zero experience, Suki is fortunate to work alongside a group of supportive drivers, who encourage her to move past the pain and start over. One year later, Suki receives a wedding invitation from Chico. She attends the wedding banquet as a final goodbye to her ex-boyfriend.
On the night of the banquet, Kiki's ex-boyfriend Manny (Philip Keung) plans to sabotage the wedding by broadcasting evidence that Kiki is a swindler and cheater, but Suki accidentally foils his plan. Manny uses every trick up his sleeves to get Suki to join his "Avengers Alliance." What will Suki do? Will she take the opportunity to take revenge and turn her life around?
阿索(王菀之 飾),天生樂觀的中女一名,與陳志高(梁漢文 飾)拍拖多年,已到談婚論嫁。可惜志高竟與業務伙伴琪琪(蔡潔 飾)出軌,阿索簡單的世界瞬間崩塌。失意、失戀 、失業「三失」的阿索,在極度悲傷中沒有失去希望,發奮實現夢想,當上巴士司機!由零開始的阿索,幸得車長同伴們鼓勵重新出發,漸漸把感情創傷拋諸腦後。但一年後,收到志高喜帖,阿索決定出席婚宴,為舊情作個終極告別禮。
婚宴當晚,琪琪的前男友李振民(姜皓文 飾)原想藉著播放琪琪向他騙財騙色的證據破壞婚禮,但如意算盤卻被阿索無心撞破而功虧一簣。事敗後,振民千方百計上門找阿索,表示希望阿索加入他的「復仇聯盟」大計。究竟阿索會如何抉擇?會否藉著復仇機會來個中女大翻身?
movie trailer (English subtitled)