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Stand by Me Doraemon 2 (2020) STAND BY ME 多啦A夢 2 (Region A Blu-ray) (NO English Subtitle) Japanese Animation
$34.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Mei Nagano
Takumi Kitamura
Shouma Kai
Honoka Matsumoto
Mio Imada
Tomoko Ikuta
Kyoko Hasegawa
Mitsuhiro Oikawa
Takashi Yamazaki
Ryuichi Yagi
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD 5.1
Japanese, Cantonese 粵語
Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK
Release Date:
7 July 2021
Nobita finds a teddy bear hand sewn by his beloved grandma and the memories trigger a torrent of tears for him. He and Doraemon then use the time machine to visit the past. Grandma tells Nobita that she wants to see the girl who he will marry. In order to grant her wish, Nobita and Doraemon travel to the future where Nobita, now an adult, is soon to marry Shizuka, but runs away on the day of their wedding…
香港最高日本電影票房作品《STAND BY ME 多啦A夢》續集,大雄和靜香將迎接人生新一頁,一個尋找希望和幸福的旅程!大雄無意中找到嫲嫲縫補的啤啤熊布公仔,令他懷念起她的溫柔和慈愛,便請求多啦A夢讓他坐「時光機」回到過去探望嫲嫲。豈料嫲嫲不但發現他是來自未來的大雄,更說希望可以看到孫媳婦的模樣。為了一遂嫲嫲心願,他們坐上「時光機」前往婚禮當天,卻發現未來的大雄竟然逃婚!過世嫲嫲的願望及靜香將來的幸福,全掌握在大雄手裡;他要怎樣才可替嫲嫲圓夢及找回屬於他與靜香的未來?
movie trailer (Cantonese Dubbed. Chinese subtitled)