Sound of Freedom (2023) 自由之聲 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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Sound of Freedom (2023) 自由之聲 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)

Jim Caviezel
Bill Camp
Cristal Aparicio
Javier Godino
Lucás Ávila

Alejandro Monteverde

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby Digital 5.1


English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:  
- minutes (TBA)

Vicol Entertainment Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
25 July 2024

SOUND OF FREEDOM is a thriller based on the incredible true story of a former government agent turned freedom fighter who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue dozens of children from human trafficking. This emotionally riveting narrative is a powerful story of heroism and stands as a testament to the tenacious spirit of those who refuse to let evil triumph.

美國票房超越《職業特工隊7》,本年度賣座奇蹟《自由之聲》由真實故事震撼改編,揭開人口販賣最殘酷黑幕!美國探員提姆(占卡維素 飾)剛從殘忍的兒童販賣罪犯手中,救出一名小男孩,然而他得知男孩的姐姐仍被犯罪集團囚禁,每一刻都正在飽受折磨。為了拯救女孩,提姆毅然辭去工作,闖入哥倫比亞的叢林,直搗兒童販賣集團的根據地。行動刻不容緩,提姆無懼生命危險,只為救贖年幼的靈魂,讓女孩擺脫慘不忍睹的命運,並重獲自由…在世界上最黑暗的角落,他決心為無辜孩子帶來一束希望曙光!

movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Sound of Freedom (2023) 自由之聲 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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