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Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Ethan Hawke
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 EX Surround
Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
various production companies (2015)
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
3 March 2017
Oscar-nominated actor Ethan Hawke directs this deeply personal portrait of Seymour Bernstein, a once-successful classical pianist who gave up his performing career at the age of 50 to become a music teacher. Despite touring the world in his youth, and performing for the US troops during the Korean War, Bernstein found his true calling inspiring and mentoring others.
A humble yet profoundly intelligent man, Bernstein teaches us all how to conquer our fears of performing, tap into the latent creativity that lurks within us and articulate bold emotion and explore our humanity through the expressive art of music. By directing this film, Hawke too has given us all a gift, by introducing the world to Seymour.
莎士比亞說過,音樂是愛情的食糧。對於Seymour Bernstein來說,音樂餵養的,不止於愛情,而是生命。《情約半生》男星伊芬鶴基躲到鏡頭執導,訴說一位鋼琴老師的鋼琴人生。一頓晚宴的淡淡交會,更促成一部電影的誕生。 大部分人花了大半生在同一件事上,總會有點厭倦;但在西摩身上,可以看到熱忱。他從15歲開始,就開始公開鋼琴表演,其後更投身教育事業,執意發掘一顆顆未經雕琢的鑽石。難忘的是,琴約半生以後,他雙眼依然閃耀著無比熾熱的目光,手舞足蹈地將音樂比喻為人生。生命裡的一切高低起伏、起承轉合,都可靠著音符逐一抒發,也許這就是music is life的終極意義。
Documentary trailer (Chinese subtitled)