PlayStation Games
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PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Brie Larson
Jacob Tremblay
Joan Allen
William H. Macy
Sean Bridgers
Tom McCamus
Lenny Abrahamson
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
118 minutes
Release Date:
26 May 2016
ROOM tells the extraordinary story of Jack, a spirited 5 year-old who is looked after by his loving and devoted Ma . Like any good mother, Ma dedicates herself to keeping Jack happy and safe, nurturing him with warmth and love and doing typical things like playing games and telling stories. Their life, however, is anything but typical - they are trapped - confined to a windowless, 10-by-10-foot space, which Ma has euphemistically named "Room". Ma has created a whole universe for Jack within Room, and she will stop at nothing to ensure that, even in this treacherous environment, Jack is able to live a complete and fulfilling life. But as Jack's curiosity about their situation grows, and Ma's resilience reaches its breaking point, they enact a risky plan to escape, ultimately bringing them face-to-face with what may turn out to be the scariest thing yet: the real world.
一個年輕媽媽Ma的牢籠,是她五歲兒子的全世界。對五歲的Jack而言,房間就是全世界。這是他出生和成長的地方,他跟媽媽Ma 住在這裡,學習、閱讀、吃飯、睡覺、遊戲。晚上,總會有一名男子來訪,媽就把他安全地關在衣櫃裡。但房間對Ma而言,卻是被囚禁了七年的監獄。 靠著決心、機智和強大的母愛,Ma為Jack創造了人生。但她知道這樣是不夠的……對她不夠,對Jack也不夠。她想出一個大膽的脫逃計劃,需要仰賴她兒 子的勇氣,以及大量的運氣。她沒想到的是,對這計劃一旦成功會產生什麼樣的後果,而自己竟然沒有充分的準備...
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)