Rob N Roll (2024) 臨時劫案 Blu-ray (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

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Rob N Roll (2024) 臨時劫案 Blu-ray (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region Free

Aaron Kwok 郭富城
Gordon Lam 林家棟
Richie Jen 任賢齊
Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 張可頤
Lam Suet 林雪
Bing Leung Chung Hang 梁仲恆
Lo Hoi Pang 盧海鵬
Paw Hee-chin 鮑起靜
Alien Sun 孫佳君
Mike Tsang 曾比特

Albert Mak 麥啟光

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby TrueHD 5 .1

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:   
- minutes (TBA)

CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
30 May 2024

A ruthless bandit Mui (starring Aaron KWOK) launches a "blitzkrieg" armed robbery, which happens to stir up the spirit of two perplexed middle-aged men named Fai (starring Richie JEN) and Timid (starring LAM Ka Tung) who are about to acquire a gun for robbing too. The characters of the three are widely different but they share the same “luck” and goal. Upon their alliance with Mui’s unique slogan “Don’t hurt innocent and brothers, we’re civilized and polite!” Finally, both Fai and Timid became the real gangsters and all three are hunted by Police all along their escape. Their ad-hoc and dramatic robbery has started a war with the Police pursuit.

慕容輝 任賢齊 飾 與笠水 林家棟 飾 )),兩個頹廢中 年 難兄難弟。輝是 經營老人院,不敵加租狂潮,債台高築 破產 邊緣,仍然死不放棄。水是 滑頭 的 士 司機,吵架不服輸 遇事即 腳軟,家裡婆媳天天糾紛,能躲一天算一天 。 一連兩宗、一 大一小、毫無瓜葛 的 找換店械劫案,誘發了輝、水計劃進行劫 案, 陰差陽錯地遇上了悍匪梅藍天 郭富城 飾 。梅是個摔跤手 生活拮据,愛子遭遇雷擊橫死,為了兌現亡兒承諾 鋌而走險, 從越南偷渡來港打劫,卻被手下丟失一半贓款,贓款正正落在 水所駕的的士裡 。 輝、水黑市買槍,被女幹探姜姐 張可頤 飾 ) 盯上,誤會輝、水是械 劫大賊,追查至交易現場,不料梅殺到 搶奪贓款,警匪駁火......

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Rob N Roll (2024) 臨時劫案 Blu-ray (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

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