Peppermint (2018) 薄荷殺姬 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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Peppermint (2018) 薄荷殺姬 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Jennifer Garner
John Gallagher Jr.
John Ortiz
Method Man
Richard Cabral
Cabral Richards


Pierre Morel

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1


English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
102 minutes


Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
31 May 2019

Peppermint is an action thriller which tells the story of young mother Riley North (Jennifer Garner) who awakens from a coma after her husband and daughter are killed in a brutal attack on the family. When the system frustratingly shields the murderers from justice, Riley sets out to transform herself from citizen to urban guerilla. Channeling her frustration into personal motivation, she spends years in hiding honing her mind, body and spirit to become an unstoppable force – eluding the underworld, the LAPD and the FBI- as she methodically delivers her personal brand of justice.

當社會司法失效,黑警當道令毒梟橫行,寡婦要伸張正義,自強化身爆裂惡女,以暴易暴只為血債血償。五年前,家庭主婦慧莉(珍妮花嘉納 飾)與丈夫和可愛女兒一家三口的生活本來樂也融融,但丈夫因一時貪念惹上毒梟生意,雖及早醒悟卻未能全身而退。當慶祝女兒十歲生日的晚上,全家遭槍擊滅門父女慘死,留下寡婦悲痛莫名。雖然慧莉指證認出殺人兇手,但當地警察、甚至執法官員均被黑錢收賣,眼白白看著滅門仇人逃之夭夭,從那一刻起,她明白到要爭取公義只能靠自己,決定化悲傷變成復仇原動力,隱世數年鍛練身體心思武裝自我,化身最強私刑執法者,誓要親自剷除狂妄地下組織外,還有那幫假仁假義貪贓枉法的警察和整個己全面崩潰的司法制度。

movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Peppermint (2018) 薄荷殺姬 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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