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Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region Free
Sammo Hung 洪金寶
Cheng Pei Pei 鄭佩佩
Lam Ching Ying 林正英
John Shum 岑建勳
Wu Ma 午馬
Mary Li 李殿馨
Winnie Lau 劉小慧
Alex Law 羅啟銳
Audio Tracks:
- (TBA)
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
113 minutes
Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK
Release Date:
22 June 2018
This drama focuses on life at the Peking Opera School and is a loose biography of Hong Kong film stars Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, and Yuen Biao. Sammo Hung portrays Master Yu, the academy's brutal schoolmaster, who takes the youths through the rigorous acrobatic training. The film offers an introspective view of Master Yu, as a man who must face the fact that the institution to which he has devoted his life is fading with the passage of time. Although many of the film collaborations of Hung, Chan, and Baio have hinted at their youth together, this film attempts to depict the harsh reality. Nevertheless, Chan has criticized the film, stating that his longtime friend Hung's portrayal was actually too sympathetic an interpretation of Master Yu.
本片獲1988年金馬獎最佳導演、最佳劇情片多項大獎,可謂實至名歸。編導是羅啟銳和張婉婷夫妻檔,拍過多部叫好叫座的電影如《秋天的童話》,《非法移民》等。《七小福》是罕有取材自電影界真人真事的電影,講述影壇七小福 : 洪金寶、成龍、元彪受教於于占元師傅門下的成長經歷。電影洋溢六十年代的人情味和懷舊氣氛,開始時一班小童在山上玩煙花的鏡頭,拍出日暮途窮的惆悵;洪金寶和已故武打演員林正英在影棚唱《霸王別姬》一幕,有時不與我的唏噓。洪金寶演于占元,鄭佩佩演戲班師父,都是一時之選。劇本精密、鏡頭優美,是香港百部經典華語電影之一。
movie trailer in low density (English subtitled)
Here is an interview with real "Seven Little Fortunes" (including Sammo Hung and Yuen Wah). Their very first performance was in a Hong Kong westerners nightclub, which received much praise. It was decided by their 'sifu' to further develop and hone their acrobatic skills to make more pubic performances. They were also taught to perform in "painted faces "peking operas. This video documents the "Seven Little Fortunes" via old photo and video clips, along with interviews with the school's members, who recollect the hardships of their study as well the reverence that they have for their teacher, as well as their mischievousness that led their parents to bring them to the school.