PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Jackie Chan 成龍
Nicholas Tse 謝霆鋒
Charlie Yeung 楊采妮
Charlene Choi 蔡卓妍
Daniel Wu 吳彥祖
Dave Wong 王傑
Terence Yin 尹子維
Coco Chiang 蔣怡
Andy On 安志傑
Hiro Hayama 葉山豪
Deep Ng 吳浩康
Benny Chan 陳木勝
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Vicol Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
16 Dec 2021
Wing is the Hong Kong Police's resident super cop. He's the best of the best, cracking every case he handles in record time. Joe is the leader of The Gang Of Five. He uses shoot-'em-up videogames as his inspiration to create the most elaborate and deadly traps for the police. Wing and his team are trapped, and gunned down one by one. Only Wing himself escapes... Wing's colleagues are all dead, including Rocky, the younger brother of his girlfriend Ka Yee. He hides himself from Ka Yee and though still technically on the force, sinks into an abyss of alcoholism and despair. One night, Fung finds his idol lying dead drunk in the street, pulls him out of the gutter and brings him home. Fung sees in Wing a chance to live his dram, and pretends to be a cop assigned by Wing's superiors to help him hunt down the Gang of Five. Fung enlists the help of Fa Fa, a fresh, pretty young policewoman who runs the computer crimes division. She is Chemed by Fung and helps him track down Sam. Sam has left the police force, changed his name and gone into hiding at a local nightclub. Wing and Fung question the nervous Sam, and then, following up on a further up, go to a rooftop mountain bike X-games event. When the Gang members realize they have been rumbled, San is shot dead...
榮是警隊中的傳奇,幾乎包辦警區內所有大案,破案率達百份百。祖為首的犯罪五人組,攻陷銀行保險庫後,竟然主動按響警鐘,公然挑戰警方。榮要三小時內還以顏色,帶領九人精英隊直闖賊巢,整隊人被逐一獵殺,包括女友可頤的親弟Rocky 也未能倖免。榮雖死裡逃生,慚愧內疚令他和可頤日漸疏遠,最終分手。大話王鋒,出身市井,卻渴望當上正義的化身,估不到遇上警隊偶像竟終日酗酒,遂從垃圾堆中把他抬回家。為令榮再度振作,也為滿足自己當警察的心願,鋒決冒稱成上司委派給榮的新拍檔,迫他復職追查「超級罪犯」一案。「冒牌警察」鋒大模斯樣與榮返回警局,指指點點;情竇初開的警花莎莎迷上了他,合力幫鋒翻查案件,知五匪沉迷網上獵殺遊戲,一連串針對警察的「遊戲任務」,全是「有組織,沒目的」的獵殺行動。榮與鋒尋求離職警長森協助,五寇之一的Sue 突然出現,搶殺森於鬧市……
movie trailer (English subtitled)