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Mr. Zoo: The Missing VIP (2020) 好狗特攻隊 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Korean movie aka Miseuteo Joo: Sarajin VIP
$24.99 USD

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Lee Sung-Min
Kim Seo-Hyung
Kal So-Won
Bae Jeong-Nam
Kim Tae-Yoon
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
10 June 2020
Joo Taeju is the top agent of National Intelligence Service. While Taeju was on a mission to guard a very special VIP, the VIP disappeared by a sudden accident and he can understand what animals are saying after his accidental fall NIS Director Min and agent Mansik suspect Taeju who is suddenly acting strangely, but Taeju is on a mission to find the VIP with help of Ali, a military dog… In the middle of downtown, never seen a team play between a man and an animal’s start to happen!
繼《炸雞特攻隊》後,韓國又一爆笑傑作!韓國情報局探員朱特務(李星民 飾)被指派保護訪韓國寶級大使─熊貓,不料牠一下飛機,旋即被恐怖分子綁走,朱特務更因此頭部受重創!毫無頭緒的朱特務四出查探不果,竟發現自己因傷而獲得超能力,可以同各式動物溝通對話,順便幫他收風立大功!朱特務於是帶著案件的唯一目擊者警犬Ali,四出向動物收集情報,終於鎖定犯罪集團,但對方已設好圈套,準備將朱特務與Ali一網成擒……
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)