PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region Free
Emily Blunt
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Ben Whishaw
Emily Mortimer
Julie Walters
Colin Firth
Rob Marshall
Audio Tracks:
7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, 5.1 Dolby Digital
English, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Running Time:
130 minutes
Buena Vista / Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK
Release Date:
9 April 2019
The film takes place in 1930s Depression-era London 24 years after the first film was set. Michael Banks works for the same financial institution that employed his father and still lives at 17 Cherry Tree Lane with his three children, Annabel, John and Georgie and their housekeeper Ellen. Carrying on in her mother’s tradition, Jane Banks campaigns for workers’ rights and provides a helping hand to Michael’s family. When the family suffers a personal loss, Mary Poppins magically re-enters their lives and with Jack’s help, brings joy and wonder back into their home.
雖然媽媽已經離世,但班克斯家的三名小孩,卻懂得用善解人意的心,跟爸爸及姑姑相依為命;豈料以威廉華堅斯﹙哥連費夫 飾﹚為首的銀行,竟派人上門追討龐大舊債,令生活刻苦的班克斯家雪上加霜!此時,漂亮又威嚴的瑪莉波萍絲﹙艾美莉賓特 飾﹚突然從天而降,再度以魔法保姆的身份進駐班克斯家,並聯同她的表姊天旋﹙梅麗史翠普 飾﹚和摯友傑克﹙林曼紐米蘭達 飾﹚,用悅目魔法和華麗歌舞引導小兄妹們克服難關,讓他們重拾失去的歡樂和希望……
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)