Kiss Me Goodbye Blu-ray (1986) 戀愛季節 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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Kiss Me Goodbye Blu-ray (1986) 戀愛季節 (Region A) (English Subtitled)
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Loletta Lee 李麗珍
Anthony Wong 黃耀明
Bowie Lam 林保怡
Tats Lau 劉以達

Calvin Poon 潘源良

Audio Tracks: 
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
90 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date: 
31 July 2020

Sing runs into Icy when they are working for a concert. It's not until Sing finds Icy in a phonograph record shop that they know each other's name. Icy, along with Bowie and three other friends formed a band Voices. Sing, being a bystander at the beginning, gradually puts into it. When Sing and Icy talk about their own ideals, they find their ideals happen to coincide. Both of them desire to break a path in USA. At that time, Bowie tells Icy the truth that he's been in love with her. Icy is appreciated by the producer of the record company when she attends the entrance examination, whereas Sing does not have much progress in the advertising agency. Icy seems to have a more favorable turn than Sing. Encouraged by Icy, Sing decides to prepare himself for an international song and dance film casting. He's finally chosen to be a talent of new Hollywood film in USA. The night when Sing tells Icy the good news, Icy realizes she isn't able to fulfill their long-cherished dream of going to USA, since she has signed an eight-year contract with the record company. Although they have many achievements, both of them feel depressed.

星(黃耀明 飾)是一位演唱會的幕後工作人員,一次偶然的機會結識來做替工的 Icy(李麗珍 飾),可惜沒有互通名字的機會,只知 Icy 在唱片店工作的。星日夜想念 Icy,拿著黃頁走遍大街小巷尋找她的蹤影。終於他倆又再相遇,二人心意相通,且相約出遊並陪伴 Icy 練歌。Icy 和 Bowie(林保怡 飾)與另外三人組成樂隊「Voices」。星與 Icy 不約而同想到美國發展,而此時 Bowie 也向 Icy 表白了。Icy 爭取機會簽約了一家唱片公司,另一方面星也到廣告公司碰運氣,但無多大進展。在 Icy 的鼓勵下,星隨名師練舞,準備參加一部國際歌舞片的試鏡。他們二人各自為事業理想而奮鬥……

movie trailer
Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Kiss Me Goodbye Blu-ray (1986) 戀愛季節 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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