Hot War Blu-ray (1998) 幻影特攻 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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Hot War Blu-ray (1998) 幻影特攻 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Ekin Cheng 鄭伊健
Jordan Chan 陳小春
Kelly Chen 陳慧琳
Terence Yin 尹子維
Vanessa Yeung 楊崢

Jingle Ma 馬楚成

Audio Tracks:  
PCM 2.0

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:  
93 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
2 June 2022

Blue Szeto (Kelly Chen), Tango One (Ekin Cheng) and C.S. Koo (Jordan Chan) are three research scientists in the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology at Langley. At the wedding of C.S. Koo at Miami, Blue Szeto is the bridesmaid and Tango One is the best man. An international terrorist code-named Alien, aided by his female bodyguard, kidnaps Blue Szeto, killing C.S. Koo’s bride in the process. Captain Toddman, the CIA Special Operational agent in charge of action on Blue Szeto’s kidnap, is more concerned about smoking out Alien’s ultimate goal than rescuing Blue Szeto. Tango One and C.S. Koo decide to take matters into their own hands, joining “Project VR Fighter” and training to become excellent combat agents in seven days…

司徒慧藍 (陳慧琳 飾) 、溫德高 (鄭伊健 飾) 、古松樹 (陳小春 飾) 是美國中央情報局 (C.I.A.) 的華裔研究員。三人原是同一孤兒院長大的好朋友,可是在古松樹的婚禮上,綽號 Alien (尹子維 飾) 的恐怖份子突襲改變了一切,古松樹的未婚妻被槍殺,司徒慧藍亦被擄走。因事件動機未明, C.I.A. 偵查人員又不欲透露追查 Alien 事件的資料,溫德高和古松樹決定參加模擬訓練 (VR Training) ,成為「速成戰士」與 Alien 對抗……

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Hot War Blu-ray (1998) 幻影特攻 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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