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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
何秋蘭 Caridad Amaran
黃美玉 Georgina Wong Guitierrez
Franco Yuen
Yin-Fei Siu
S. Louisa Wei 魏時煜
Law Kar 羅卡
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital
Original Soundtrack 原聲
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
96 minutes
Blue Queen Cultural Communication (2018)
Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
3 May 2019
Two stage sisters living in an era of revolution Four opera trips crossing an ocean of time A story of two Divas who never gave up their dream to be on stage, the documentary narrates the chronicles of Cantonese opera singers Caridad Amaran and Georgina Wong. The film goes back to 1930s Havana, where Caridad began learning the art of Cantonese Opera and Georgina practiced kung-fu and lion dancing in the vivid and festive Chinatown. The two became stage sisters. Throughout the 1940s, Caridad toured cities all over Cuba as one of the leading staged actresses. Georgina had a very different life. Georgina went to university, where her studies were interrupted by Fidel Castro’s revolution. Now well into their twilight years, the two reunite and once again spark their dream to perform Cantonese opera. As the two women reminisce on their happy days as girls, they embark on a poignant journey of love and nostalgia.
粵劇與古巴,驟看風牛馬不相及,誰知道在三、四十年代,繁盛一時的夏灣拿,曾是無數華人的家。那些年,華僑方標收養了純古巴血統的何秋蘭;離鄉別井,父親的思鄉愁緒,就由女兒以粵曲唱出來。她十五歲就當上劇團的花旦,巡演古巴華埠,與外埠來訪的小燕飛、牡丹蘇、蘇州麗等伶人同臺演出,成就了華人史上的一段傳奇。卡斯特羅的一場革命卻改變一切… 《金門銀光夢》導演魏時煜以6年時間追蹤秋蘭與舞臺姐妹黃美玉,即使踏入從心之年對粤劇依然不離不棄,更為了一償父親心願,遠征這個兒時曾無限想像過的「家」,尋根祭祖,更獲邀與謝雪心、龍貫天等粵劇名伶唱和。 讓我們由夏灣拿的唐人街開始,尋回古巴花旦們初心不變的夢幻舞臺…
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)