Golden Orchestra 黃金愛樂樂團 (2016) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Oke Rojin!

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Golden Orchestra 黃金愛樂樂團 (2016) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Oke Rojin!
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)


Anne Watanabe
Yuina Kuroshima
Kentaro Sakaguchi
Takashi Sasano
Tonpei Hidari
Masao Komatsu
Yumiko Fujita
Saburo Ishikura
Narumi Kayashima
Michie Kita

Toru Hosokawa

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
120 minutes


Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
23 March 2018

Chizuru (Anne Watanabe) is the new teacher at Umega High School. Since her school days, she has played violin in an orchestra. One day, she listens to an amateur orchestra play at the local cultural hall. She is touched by their performance and decides to enroll in the orchestra, but there are 2 orchestras in town. Chizuru mistakenly enrolls in the orchestra which consists of elderly people. The members there are thrilled to have a young person join their group. Chizuru is unable to tell them she made a mistake and becomes the conductor for their orchestra.

來到梅岡高中就任的數學老師千鶴(杏 飾演)為了讓自己演奏小提琴的經驗派上用場,決定加入號稱有職業水準的業餘交響樂團,卻不小心來到了全是老人而且外行到不行的「梅岡交響樂團」。看到老人們因為她的加入而歡欣雀躍,千鶴也不好意思說自己搞錯團名了,只好硬著頭皮參加,最後甚至必須擔任指揮……就在此時,正牌的菁英業餘交響樂團「梅岡愛樂交響樂團」也登場了,危機隨之逼近。千鶴該怎麼辦?老人樂團該怎麼辦?他們的演奏會能成功嗎!?動人的古典音樂貫串全片,千鶴老師和全日本個性最豐富最熱血的老人們,將為您帶來感人肺腑的 最終樂章!

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Golden Orchestra 黃金愛樂樂團 (2016) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Oke Rojin!

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