PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Eric Tsang
Anthony Wong
Paulyn Sun
Liu Kai Chi
Johnson Lee
Wong Ching Po
Wong Ching Po
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 2.0, Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese, Mandarin
English, Traditional Chinese
Running Time:
82 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
03 Nov 2003
FUBO lifts the veil of a seldom heard of, much less spoken about profession - that of mortuary assistants, (euphemistically referrred to as "Uncle Fu" whose job is to undertake handling, dissection and cleaning up of corpses on behalf of forensic scientists. It has threee narrative strands, about three agents of death, who never meet, yet affect each other's lives: a mortuary assistant, a triad assassin and a portugese chef who cooks for death row convicts. For a film that takes place chiefly in a morgue, it confounds genre expectations gleaned from horror-thrillers like Nightwatch. While offering a voyeuristic keyhole to peer into the most repulsive and morbid details of death, it contemplates the philosphical significance of life and Destiny.