Finding Dory (2016) 海底奇兵2 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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Finding Dory (2016) 海底奇兵2 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)



Andrew Stanton
Angus MacLane

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1


English, Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 普通話 / 國語, Indonesian

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Indonesian, Malay

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)


Disney Pixar / Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK

Release Date:
15 Nov 2016

"Finding Dory" reunites the friendly-but-forgetful blue tang fish with her loved ones, and everyone learns a few things about the true meaning of family along the way. The all-new big-screen adventure dives into theaters in 2016, taking moviegoers back to the extraordinary underwater world from the original film.

多莉 (毛舜筠) 自上次和馬倫 (劉青雲) 及 Mo 仔歷險歸來後,便與這兩父子過著安穩生活,但一次目睹魔鬼魚大遷徙行動,竟令時常失憶的多莉閃現零碎童年片段,意識到自己原來與父母失散多年,於是決心展開尋親大行動!三條魚於是向加州海岸進發,期間得到七爪魚阿亨 (King Sir)、鯨鯊沙沙妹 (阮小儀) 和白鯨比利 (吳業坤) 等新朋友仗義幫忙,但一路上危機四伏險阻重重,失魂魚多莉能否順利與家人團圓?

movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Finding Dory (2016) 海底奇兵2 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)
  • Finding Dory (2016) 海底奇兵2 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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