PlayStation Games
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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Andy Lau 劉德華
Xiao Yang 肖央
Wan Qian 萬茜
Huang Xiaolei 黃小蕾
Cheng Yi 程怡
Liu Tianzuo 劉天佐
Wally Wei 衛萊
Ti Chih-chieh 狄志杰
Rao Xiaozhi 饒曉志
Audio Tracks:
Dolby True HD Advanced 96K Upsampling 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Vicol Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
19 Aug 2021
Chen Xiaomeng is a theater actor who just can’t catch a break in life. His career is in shambles, his love life is depressing, and he can’t even properly commit suicide. Before he takes another attempt at suicide, he decides to visit the local bathhouse so he can die with dignity.
In the bathhouse, Xiaomeng accidentally causes a man to slip on a piece of soap and falls into a deep coma. In a split second, he decides to switch places with the comatose man, only to discover that the man is a renowned professional assassin. Under his new identity, Xiaomeng is forced to undertake the assassin’s missions.
Meanwhile, the assassin wakes up in the hospital with no memory of his identity. Believing that he’s the failed actor, he begins piece together his “past life” with the help of single mother Li Xiang. As he tries to “continue” his life as an actor, the amnesiac assassin and Li Xiang develop a bond. But when the assassin regains his real memories, our three heroes become entangled in messy and complicated ways.
小劇場演員陳小萌的人生窮困潦倒,事業上一敗塗地,感情上也灰心喪氣,甚至連自殺都不成功。陳小萌想要有尊嚴的死去,他拿著快過期的湯浴票券進入澡堂, 無奈“皂滑弄人”,竟意外的讓殺手周全摔倒失憶,演員和殺手交換了人生。然而陳小萌卻沒想到,澡堂的失憶男人竟然是名聲在外的殺手。在此之後,演員在輝哥的逼迫下,完成殺手之前的後續任務。與此同時,從醫院醒來的殺手失去記憶,誤以為自己是走投無路的演員。在偶然結識的單親媽媽李想的幫助下,他一點一滴重新認識作為演員的自己,苦苦探索前進的方向,在此過程中他和李想的內心也悄悄發生變化。而當他的記憶恢復那一刹那,三個人的命運也由此糾纏到了一起 。
movie trailer (English subtitled)
Andy Lau 劉德華
Xiao Yang 肖央
Wan Qian 萬茜
Huang Xiaolei 黃小蕾
Cheng Yi 程怡
Liu Tianzuo 劉天佐
Wally Wei 衛萊
Ti Chih-chieh 狄志杰
Rao Xiaozhi 饒曉志
Audio Tracks:
Dolby True HD Advanced 96K Upsampling 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Vicol Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
19 Aug 2021
Chen Xiaomeng is a theater actor who just can’t catch a break in life. His career is in shambles, his love life is depressing, and he can’t even properly commit suicide. Before he takes another attempt at suicide, he decides to visit the local bathhouse so he can die with dignity.
In the bathhouse, Xiaomeng accidentally causes a man to slip on a piece of soap and falls into a deep coma. In a split second, he decides to switch places with the comatose man, only to discover that the man is a renowned professional assassin. Under his new identity, Xiaomeng is forced to undertake the assassin’s missions.
Meanwhile, the assassin wakes up in the hospital with no memory of his identity. Believing that he’s the failed actor, he begins piece together his “past life” with the help of single mother Li Xiang. As he tries to “continue” his life as an actor, the amnesiac assassin and Li Xiang develop a bond. But when the assassin regains his real memories, our three heroes become entangled in messy and complicated ways.
小劇場演員陳小萌的人生窮困潦倒,事業上一敗塗地,感情上也灰心喪氣,甚至連自殺都不成功。陳小萌想要有尊嚴的死去,他拿著快過期的湯浴票券進入澡堂, 無奈“皂滑弄人”,竟意外的讓殺手周全摔倒失憶,演員和殺手交換了人生。然而陳小萌卻沒想到,澡堂的失憶男人竟然是名聲在外的殺手。在此之後,演員在輝哥的逼迫下,完成殺手之前的後續任務。與此同時,從醫院醒來的殺手失去記憶,誤以為自己是走投無路的演員。在偶然結識的單親媽媽李想的幫助下,他一點一滴重新認識作為演員的自己,苦苦探索前進的方向,在此過程中他和李想的內心也悄悄發生變化。而當他的記憶恢復那一刹那,三個人的命運也由此糾纏到了一起 。
movie trailer (English subtitled)