PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region Free
Louis Koo 古天樂
Julian Cheung 張智霖 (Chilam)
Francis Ng 吳鎮宇
Myolie Wu 胡杏兒
Chrissie Chau 周秀娜
Charmaine Sheh 佘詩曼
Ray Lui 呂良偉
Simon Yam 任達華
Philip Keung 姜皓文
Herman Yau 邱禮濤
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD 5 .1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
8 Feb 2024
A killer called Darker has been leaving a death notification card after killing scumbags who evaded the law. Police reacted by forming a task force with the elite personnels from each field to capture the vigilante. But in reality, what each department did was dumping their best but most eccentric members to the task force.
There is the high IQ but low EQ criminalist Luo Fei, the ill-mannered profiler Mu Jian Yun, the inflexible captain Han Hao, the cowardly crime lab specialist Yin Jian, the gothic loving forensic pathologist Liang Yin, the hacker Zeng Ri Hua, and the volatile combat specialist Xiong Yuan. With each murder, the task force uncovers the crimes the victims had committed, at the same time, gets closer to finding the mysterious vigilante.
Darker 發放「死亡通知單」預告所有人,將在何時以何罪向何人執行死刑。即使收到通知單的 人報案,得到警方的貼身保護, Darker 照樣能突破重圍,手刃受刑人。 警方為此成立了專案小組,然而 每次緝捕行動均失敗而回,只能眼睜睜地看著殺戮發生。專案小組成員羅飛,善於觀察和分析,每次都精 準地分析出 Darker 的行動,但卻總是晚了一步。隨著案件陸續發生,羅飛發現,看似隨機的殺人事件,實 際存在著千絲萬縷的關係,背後還隱藏著更大的陰謀,而 Darker 的真正身份亦漸漸浮現出來
movie trailer (English subtitled)