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Cube (2021) 死亡立方 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Cube: Ichido Haittara, Saigo
$35.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Masaki Suda
Anne Watanabe
Masaki Okada
Hikaru Tashiro
Takumi Saito
Kotaro Yoshida
Yasuhiko Shimizu
Audio Tracks:
D TS HD Master Audio 6 .1 / Dolby Digital EX
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
108 minutes
Universe Digital Entertainment Limited (HK) 寰宇數碼娛樂有限公司 (HK)
Release Date:
9 June 2022
They awake to find themselves within a mysterious structure: the Cube... Six men and women have been abruptly trapped inside: an engineer, an NPO employee, a part-time worker, a junior high student, a mechanic, and a company director. They share no connections whatsoever. Unable to comprehend their situation, they attempt to escape, but encounter a succession of lethal traps, including heat-sensing lasers, slicing wires, and flamethrowers. Unless their inbuilt codes can be deciphered, there is no way out.The captives are pushed to their physical and psychological limits as they wrestle with extreme tension and anxiety, and human nature slowly rears its ugly head... As fear and distrust swirls around them, and despite seeing no end in sight to their torment, they push on into the depths of the structure, in order to survive.
Will any of them make it out alive?!
六名男女醒來發現被困於一個神秘立方體迷宮中 他們當中包括工程師、 OL 、兼職工、中學生、維修技 工和企業高層;他們互不相識、毫無關係。在這個無法理解的處境下,他們嘗試尋找出口,卻遇上各種 致命陷阱,除非他們能破解立方體中的神秘密碼,否則死路一條。不安和焦慮將六人精神和肉體迫至極 限,人性醜陋的一面亦漸漸浮現 縱使彌漫著恐懼和互相猜疑,即使看不到惡夢 盡頭,他們仍為求生存 繼續前進 他們當中有人能夠 活著離開嗎?
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)