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Brotherhood of Blades: The Infernal Battlefield 繡春刀: 修羅戰場 Blu-ray (2017) (Region A) (English Subtitled) aka Brotherhood of Blades 2
$24.99 USD
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Chang Chen 張震
Yang Mi 楊冪
Zhang Yi 張譯
Li Yuan 李媛
Lei Jiayin 雷佳音
Lu Yang 路陽
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Atmos, Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling
Original Soundtrack (mainly in Mandarin 國語, part-of Japanese)
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
120 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
5 Jan 2018
Late Ming Dynasty when the emperor is seriously ill and the eunuch Wei Zhongxian is in power. Shen Lian is a loyal warrior form Imperial Assassin, which is a secret police group in the palace. Shen witnesses his colleague and best friend Yin Chen committed suicide due to the literary persecution. Bei Zhai is a painter in seclusion. Shen gets an order to kill her because the paintings imply the revolt. But he finally sets free Bei ZHai out of sympathy and appreciation, which give rise to a conflict with his colleague. Shen kills his colleague by accident and tries to cover up it as a result of self-defense. A secret group finds him and asks him to betray the emperor; otherwise they threaten to disclose his crime. Shen has no choice but to yield to this secret group temporarily. During that time, Shen finds out that Lu Wenzhao, his leader, keep some hidden secrets behind. Meanwhile, Pei Lun, another warrior, is ordered to investigate that self-defense death. He misunderstands Shen Lian.
明天啟七年,皇帝病重,司禮監太監魏忠賢(金士傑 飾)權傾朝野,排除異己,政治氣氛陷入到前所未有的黑暗。在抓捕逆黨畫師北齋(楊冪 飾)的行動中,一向忠誠的北鎮撫司錦衣衛沈煉(張震 飾),竟在一番猶豫後決定救下北齋,因此與同僚發生衝突,不慎將其誤殺,北齋趁機脫逃。正當沈煉疲於掩蓋同僚之死時,一個神秘組織找到沈煉,要脅沈煉做出背叛朝廷之事。南鎮撫司錦衣衛裴綸(雷佳音 飾),受命追查並處處針對沈煉。沈煉與北齋在逃亡的過程中,萌生情愫,最後在重重壓力下,沈煉、北齋、裴綸決定聯手追查真 相,卻發覺自己已成為政治鬥爭的棋子,命懸⼀線…