Assassins (Region 3 DVD) 金氏殺機 (Hong Kong Version)

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Assassins (Region 3 DVD) 金氏殺機 (Hong Kong Version)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)

Ryan White

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround


English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)


Edko Films Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
4 Aug 2021

The assassination of Kim Jong-nam – the estranged older half-brother of North Korean president Kim Jong-un – at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in February 2017 shocked the world. What is even more outlandish is that the two women arrested for his murder reportedly thought that they were taking part in a prank reality TV show. How exactly did two bar waitresses get caught up in one of the most infamous assassinations of this generation? Director Ryan White lays out and dissects every single piece of available evidence from this amazing case in his intriguing and sometimes chilling investigative documentary. The official selection of the documentary premieres program at Sundance Film Festival.

2017年,朝鮮領導人金正恩的同父異母兄弟金正男於馬來西亞遭刺殺,造成轟動世界的國際新聞。兩名互不相識的年輕女子被指將搽滿化學武器VX神經毒劑的雙手抹在金正男臉上,最終導致其死亡。二人被控謀殺問罪死刑,辯稱以為自己只是參與整蠱節目,一個陰差陽錯令她們舉世矚目。問題是她們是誰?是殺手?是代罪羔羊?還是政治角力中的棋子?為甚麼兩個從東南亞鄉村出身的年輕女子,最終會捲入政治漩渦的中心?曾執導多齣得獎紀錄作品的賴恩韋特 (Ryan White),透過拆解這宗懸案的重重疑點,揭露兩名女子身處的無力現實,充滿了諷刺與荒唐。本片入圍辛丹斯電影節國際紀錄片單元。

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Assassins (Region 3 DVD) 金氏殺機 (Hong Kong Version)

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