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Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
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Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Liao Fan 廖凡
Zhao Tao 趙濤
Xu Zheng 徐崢
Jia Zhangke 賈樟柯
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
21 June 2019
Qiao (Zhao Tao) is in love with Bin (Liao Fan), a local mobster. During a flight between rival gangs, she fires a gun to protect him. Qiao gets five years in prison for this act of loyalty. Upon her release, she goes looking for Bin to pick up where they left off. Ash is Purest White is nominated for Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.
賈樟柯導演繼《山河故人》後6度入圍康城影展,角逐最高榮譽金棕櫚獎!巧巧(趙濤 飾)和斌哥(廖凡 飾)是一對戀人,巧巧希望盡快成婚,但斌哥身為黑幫龍頭大哥,對愛情有另一種想法。一次,斌哥被其他幫派偷襲,無辜的巧巧開槍拯救斌哥,被判入獄五年。巧巧重獲自由後,踏上尋找斌哥之途,卻發現世界已起了翻天覆地的變化… 電影跨度17年,道盡小人物對時移世變的無力感,被英國《視與聽》雜誌譽為當代影壇成就最高的大師傑作。
movie trailer (English subtitled)