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Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Taylor Black
Kathryn Leigh Scott
Jacob Berger
Catherine LeFrere
Edward James Hyland
Olivia Boreham-wing
Woody Allen
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
30 Sept 2020
When Ashleigh (Elle Fanning) gets an assignment from the school paper to interview celebrated film director Roland Pollard (Liev Schreiber) in Manhattan, Gatsby (Timothee Chalamet) seizes the opportunity to show Arizona-bred Ashleigh his favorite haunts in his hometown. An old soul, Gatsby loves vintage New York, and he puts together a jam-packed itinerary of classic haunts like the Bemelman’s Bar at Cafe Carlyle.
Gatsby’s well-laid plans are quickly sidetracked when Pollard invites Ashleigh to watch a work-in-progress screening of his new film. Ashleigh is soon off on a head-spinning series of encounters that lead her from Pollard to screenwriter Ted Davidoff (Jude Law) to movie star Francisco Vega (Diego Luna).
Left to his own devices in the city, Gatsby ends up spending the day with Chan (Selena Gomez), the sharp-witted younger sister of his ex-girlfriend. He also goes to a party thrown by his wealthy parents, where he has a life-changing conversation with his mother (Cherry Jones).
Over the course of a dreamy and drizzly day in New York, Ashleigh discovers she might not be who she thought she was and Gatsby learns that while you only live once, once is enough if you find the right person.
年輕情侶蓋茨比 Gatsby(添麥菲查洛美 飾)和雅絲莉 Ashleigh(艾麗芬寧 飾)來到曼克頓度周末。可惜,聲色時光遇上滂沱大雨天,剛萌芽的愛情被灑得七零八落。雅絲莉得見偶像導演羅倫波拉德 Roland Pollard(利夫舒華伯 飾),還認識了失意編劇戴維多夫 Ted Davidoff(祖迪羅 飾),更與父輩男星法蘭西高維格 Francisco Vega(狄耶哥盧納 飾)陷入三角戀愛。另一邊廂,蓋茨比為好友執導的黑色電影習作擔任男主角,半真半假與女演員珊 Chan(莎蓮娜高美斯 飾)來個法式濕吻,意亂情迷。知識分子的知性浪漫蛻變為嫩男少艾的躁動神經質,念念不忘為曼克頓獻上不老的情書。
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)