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A Beautiful Star 美麗之星 (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Utsukushii Hoshi
$24.99 USD

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Lily Franky
Kazuya Kamenashi
Tomoko Nakajima
Ai Hashimoto
Yuichi Haba
Junya Kawashima
Shunya Itabashi
Tappei Sakaguchi
Yurie Midori
Daihachi Yoshida
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
30 July 2019
The Osugi family consists of the father Shigeichiro Osugi (Lily Franky), mother Iyoko (Tomoko Nakajima), son Kazuo (Kazuya Kamenashi) and daughter Akiko (Ai Hashimoto). The family believes the father is from Mars, the mother is from Jupiter, the son from Mercury and the daughter from Venus. They are proud that they are aliens, but they keep their true identities a secret. Shigeichiro works as a weather forecaster, Iyoko is absorbed in her weird water business, Kazuo is a freeter and Akiko is a college student with a complex about her beauty. The family struggle to save mankind from nuclear weapons that can destroy the world.
Based on novel "Utsukushii Hoshi" by Yukio Mishima
天氣預報總是失準的氣象主播老爸大杉重一郎(Lily Franky 飾)、充滿野心的打工族兒子一雄(龜梨和也 飾)、擁有美麗外貌的厭世女大學生女兒曉子(橋本愛 飾)、覺得做家庭主婦很無聊的老媽伊余子(中嶋朋子 飾)。這個乍看平凡的大杉一家人,某日突然覺醒,認為自己是火星人、水星人、金星人、地球人。從這天起,他們看見了不一樣的世界,他們並以「拯救美麗的地球」為使命,在社會上引發不小騷動。究竟他們為何要覺醒?而他們真的是外星人嗎?