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70 Big Ones (2018) 突發械劫現場 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Spanish movie aka 70 Binladens
$25.99 USD

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Emma Suárez
Nathalie Poza
Hugo Silva
Daniel Pérez Prada
Bárbara Goenaga
Fernando Albizu
Ione Irazábal
Koldo Serra
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
106 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
30 June 2020
Raquel (Emma Suarez) is a desperate woman. A series of unfortunate events in her personal life have forced her into debt and now she needs to come up with 35,000 euros in the next twenty four hours. Her last hope is a bank loan.
But just as Raquel is about to complete the transaction, two bank robbers storm the branch, complicating Raquel’s dire situation even further. Her time is running out and she needs to find a way to get her hands on that money, by hook or by crook...
拉琪(艾瑪蘇雷茲 飾)焦急地來到銀行求助,她必須要在二十四小時之內籌到三萬五歐元 (七十張五百大鈔),否則將再也見不到心愛的女兒。在她不斷拜託之下,銀行終於同意借款救急。當進行轉帳手續的時候,竟闖入兩個蒙面劫匪,不但意圖搶走銀行中所有金錢,在場所有人更成為人質。於生死未卜的險境之下,拉琪要如何保住性命,並籌到錢保住女兒呢…?
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)