PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

4K Ultra HD Region Coding: Region Free
Blu-ray Region Coding: Region Free
Keanu Reeves
Hiroyuki Sanada
Kou Shibasaki
Tadanobu Asano
Rinko Kikuchi
Min Tanaka
Carl Rinsch
Audio Tracks:
DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, DTS Digital Surround 5.1
Languages (4K UHD):
English, French, Russian, Thai
Languages (Blu-ray):
English, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai
Subtitles (4K UHD):
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Korean, French, Russian, Thai
Subtitles (Blu-ray):
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Korean, Portuguese, Thai
Number of Discs:
2 Discs (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)
Running Time:
119 minutes
Universal Pictures / Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK
Release Date:
13 May 2020
Keanu Reeves stars in the action-adventure epic, 47 Ronin. After a treacherous warlord kills their master and banishes their kind, 47 leaderless samurai vow to seek vengeance and reclaim their honor. This band of ronin must seek help from Kai (Reeves)--an enslaved half-breed they once rejected--in their ultimate fight for redemption in a savage world of mythic and wondrous terrors. Kai becomes their most deadly weapon and the heroic inspiration for these outnumbered warriors to confront their enemy and seize eternity.
改編自日本江戶時代最悲壯的復仇事件,《廿二世紀殺人網絡》、《魔間行者》奇洛李維斯(Keanu Reeves)捨身演出,《最後武士》真田廣之、《神探伽利略》柴咲幸、《雷神奇俠》淺野忠信、《挪威的森林》菊地凜子等日本群星攜手3D出擊,寫下武士道鞠躬盡瘁、死而後已的血淚史! 自從主子遭敵對的吉良義央(淺野忠信 飾)殘殺後,以大石內藏助(真田廣之 飾)為首的家臣慘遭流放,過著顛沛流離的浪人生活,並背負一世惡名。及後在混血武士Kai(奇洛李維斯 飾)加入和激勵下,大石內藏助重燃意志,召集僅餘的家臣組成47浪人團,精心策劃復仇大計,向吉良義央步步追擊,誓以鮮血討回正義公道!