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1987: When The Day Comes 1987: 逆權公民 (2017) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Korean movie
$32.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Kim Yun-Seok
Ha Jung-Woo
Yu Hae-Jin
Kim Tae Ri
Park Hee-Soon
Lee Hee-Joon
Kim Eui-Sung
Kim Jong-Soo
Oh Dal-Su
Ko Chang-Seok
Moon Sung-Geun
Woo Hyeon
Jo Woo-Jin
Park Ji-Hwan
Yoo Seung-Mok
Sol Kyung-Gu
Jang Joon-Hwan
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
130 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
23 Nov 2018
In January 1987, a 22-year-old college student dies during a police interrogation. Under the orders of Director Park (KIM Yoon-seok), the police request the body to be cremated in order to destroy evidence. Public Prosecutor Choi (HA Jung-woo), who was on duty on the day of the incident, denies the request and calls for an autopsy. The police maintain the lie that the death was a simple accident, resulting from shock. The autopsy results, however, point to torture as the cause of death. Yoon (LEE Hee-jun), a journalist following the case, reports that the death was a result of asphyxiation during torture. Director Park attempts to conceal the truth by ending the case, arresting two detectives including inspector Cho (PARK Hee-soon). While in prison, inspector Cho reveals the truth to prison guard Han Byung-yong (YOO Hai-jin), who embarks on a dangerous mission to relay the information to an opposition politician through his niece, Yeon-hee (KIM Tae-ri).
1987年1月,一名參加學運的大學生在被警察拷問的過程中死亡,朴處長 (金允錫 飾)下令將屍體火化以毀滅證據。另一邊廂,當日值班的崔檢察官(河正宇 飾)拒絕執行任務,並要求解剖驗屍,結果顯示大學生被拷打致死。經調查後,記者尹尚三(李熙俊 飾)亦意外發現大學生的死因是窒息,事情因而在各大媒體上曝光。種種證據矛頭均指向涉事的警察,官方卻依然堅持他只是死於突發心臟病。當朴處長越想把真 相隱瞞,事情就越一發不可收拾……
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)