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12 Suicidal Teens (2019) 十二個想死的孩子 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Twelve Children Who Want to Die / Jyuni Nin no Shinitai Kodomotachi
$28.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Mahiro Takasugi
Yuto Fuchino
Kotone Furukawa
Kanna Hashimoto
Mackenyu Arata
Yuina Kuroshima
Hana Sugisaki
Riku Hagiwara
Takumi Kitamura
Ryota Bando
Ai Yoshikawa
Aisa Takeuchi
Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Audio Tracks:
DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
119 minutes
NeoFilms (NFi) HK
Release Date:
8 Aug 2019
One day, 12 teenagers met inside an abandoned hospital to commit euthanasia. “It is not horrible if we die together…” However, they found the body of an unknown youth when getting to the meeting place. Exhibits were unnaturally left behind and somethings mystical happened in this secret chamber. And, the most important thing is, no one but only they know this “euthanasia plan”. So, is a murderer among them? 12 teenagers had no choice but to stop the euthanasia.
Solving murder riddle under lies and suspicion, reasons to commit suicide were also exposed. Will 12 teenagers end their life to relieve suffering? Or will they be killed by someone in fear? The suspense game in a secret chamber now begins.
十二個未成年少年因為不同原因,前往廢棄醫院的密室中集合,計劃實行安樂死。 原定以12 比 0 投票一致通過後便進行自殺,卻發現面前出現了一具屬於第十三人的屍體。原本不為人知的「安樂死計劃」,在相繼發生的神秘事件及謎團中變得鴻毛。而眾人在驚惶失措之情況下為求自保,迫使他們進行「十二怒漢」式討論找出兇手…
圍繞著殺人兇手與屍體的謎團,互相猜疑之間交錯著謊言與隱瞞,十二人的自殺原因亦逐漸揭曉。 到底何時誰人會變身成殺人兇手?騷亂就發生在故事的最高潮。他們會是安詳地死去,還是在恐懼中被殺?
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)