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12 Strong (2018) 12壯士 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)
$25.99 USD

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Chris Hemsworth
Michael Shannon
Michael Peña
Navid Negahban
Trevante Rhodes
Geoff Stults
Nicolai Fuglsig
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Bravos Pictures
Release Date:
10 May 2018
"12 Strong" is set in the harrowing days following 9/11 when an elite U.S. Special Forces unit, led by their Captain, Mitch Nelson (Hemsworth), is chosen to be the first U.S. soldiers sent into Afghanistan for an extremely dangerous mission in response to the attacks. Leaving their families behind, the team is dropped into the remote, rugged landscape of northern Afghanistan, where they must convince General Rashid Dostum (Navid Negahban) to join forces with them to fight their common adversary: the Taliban and their AI Qaeda allies.
911恐怖攻擊重擊美國紐約,但美國也不甘示弱,立即指派一支陸軍特種部隊秘密前往阿富汗,在新隊長尼爾森(基斯咸士禾夫 飾)的帶領下,需要說服北方軍閥杜斯塔姆將軍及他們結盟,對恐怖組織「塔利班」反擊。 為適應當地山形和北方軍閥的作戰模式,這群身負重任的特種部隊,也騎馬變身騎兵,在荒野和山區追擊敵軍,經過多次緊張駁火,他們佔領了軍事要塞—城市馬扎里沙里夫,在那裡受到當地市民的熱烈歡迎,但卻意外遭到一大群塔利班軍隊埋伏,他們能夠死裡逃生嗎?
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)