PlayStation Games
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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Luke Wilson
Martin Sheen
Vinessa Shaw
Wayne Knight
Jake Austin Walker
Treat Williams
Ty Roberts
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
English, French
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Korean, French, Spanish, Thai
Running Time:
118 minutes
Sony Pictures / Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK
Release Date:
9 Sept 2021
12 MIGHTY ORPHANS tells the true story of the Mighty Mites, the football team of a Fort Worth orphanage who, during the Great Depression, went from playing without shoes—or even a football—to playing for the Texas state championships. Over the course of their winning season these underdogs and their resilient spirit became an inspiration to their city, state, and an entire nation in need of a rebound, even catching the attention of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The architect of their success was Rusty Russell, a legendary high school coach who shocked his colleagues by giving up a privileged position so he could teach and coach at an orphanage. Few knew Rusty's secret: that he himself was an orphan. Recognizing that his scrawny players couldn't beat the other teams with brawn, Rusty developed innovative strategies that would come to define modern football.
《孤星奮起》是關於美式足球隊 Mighty Mites (譯名: 強大的小孩) 的真實故事,講述在美國大蕭條期間,沃斯堡一家孤兒院的美式足球隊從組隊初時光著腳跑,甚至要自製足球,一路打進德州錦標賽,所向披靡。他們在賽季中獲得一連串的勝利,這種身處弱勢仍堅毅不屈的精神鼓舞了整個城市、轟動了整個州份,為國家需要重建時燃起希望,更引起了羅斯福總統的注意。他們的成功要歸功於拉斯提羅素,這位傳奇的高中教練為了能在孤兒院教書和當教練,放棄了高薪厚職。他亦有個鮮為人知的秘密,其實他也是一個孤兒。拉斯提深知自己旗下骨瘦如柴的球員無法擊敗肌肉發達的對手,因此研發出顛覆傳統的策略,對現代的美式足球影響深遠。