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12.12: The Day (2023) 12.12: 首爾之春 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Korean movie aka Spring of Seoul
$39.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Hwang Jung-Min
Jung Woo-Sung
Lee Sung-Min
Park Hae-Joon
Kim Sung-Kyun
Kim Eui-Sung
Jeong Dong-Hwan
Ahn Nae-Sang
Kim Sung-Su
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD 5.1 Upsampling
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
142 minutes
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
31 Oct 2024
In 1979, after the assassination of President Park, the fate of South Korea was in limbo. Less than two months later, the Commander of the Defense Security Command Chun Doo-hwan initiated a coup d'état on 12th December. Based on this actual event, director Kim Sung-soo brings us back to the fleeting moment when the country was a step away from democracy before Chun’s dictatorship in the 1980s. The gripping story of this all-out battle in Seoul made it the highest-grossing film of 2023 in Korea.
1979 年10 月26 日,在前總統朴正熙遇刺後,在權力真空、群龍無首的狀況下,南韓獨裁專制的日子暫告一段落,迎來民主化過程中生春日暖陽般的時期,直至陸軍少將全斗煥在12月12日發起軍事政變,政府軍和叛軍之間的一夜角力決定了國家的命運。改編自「雙十二政變事件」,導演金性洙緊密取材真實歷史人物,雲集黃晸玟、鄭雨盛等影壇巨星,將韓國歴史上極為關鍵的九小時搬上大銀幕,回望當年首爾寒冬中展開的一場令人觸目驚心的熾熱戰役,問鼎2023年韓國票房。
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)