PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region Free
Joyce Cheng 鄭欣宜
Lo Hoi-pang 盧海鵬
Alex Lam 林德信
Jerry Lamb 林曉峰
Ah Niu 阿牛
Lin Min-Chen, Lin Min-Chen 林明禎
Susan Siu Yam-yam 邵音音
Mimi Chu 朱咪咪
JY Teng 丁仕昀
Audio Tracks:
DTS, Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
20 June 2019
Family trip can turn out to be a disaster if the family members is troublesome. Together with the pessimistic father Siu Fat (starring Lo Hoi-pang), the arrogant big brother Siu Bing (starring Jerry Lamb), the younger brother Siu Lap (starring Alex Lam) who always dreams to be a KOL, Siu Sum (starring Joyce Cheng) decides to organize a family self-driving tour in a foreign country during the lunar new year! In the journey, they meet the tourist guide, Tsui Feng (starring A Niu), the environmentalist Pumpkin BB (starring Min Chen), and a homestay owner, Orchid (starring Susan Shaw). Lots of disasters happen along the road. Can they finally overcome the crisis? The journey in Malaysia begins!
動員全家去旅行,點知成屋人都好惡搞!阿爸蕭發(盧 海鵬 飾)過著厭世生活,大仔蕭炳(林曉峰 飾)自 以為是金牌地產經紀,細仔蕭立(林德信 飾)成日扮 嘢盼做型格KOL。新春前夕,任識旅行社的二女蕭心 (鄭欣宜 飾)決定組織全家來一次異國自駕遊!點知 途中遇上「佛系」旅行社社長崔風(阿牛 飾)、環保 至上的大馬女神南瓜(林明禎 飾)、民宿老闆娘Orchid (邵音音 飾),更誤衝當地著名的「懶族」部落中。 家庭旅行團尤如災難,慘過返工,到底蕭家能否一團 和氣,成功到達目的地呢?馬來西亞之旅正式開始!
movie trailer (English subtitled)