PlayStation Games
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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Bryce Gheisar
Priya Ghotane
Kevan Van Thompson
Helen Mirren
Laura Hudeckova
Marc Forster
Audio Tracks:
Dolby True-HD 7.1, Dolby Digital Plus 7.1
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
27 Dec 2024
From the best-selling author of Wonder, the book that sparked a movement to “choose kind,” comes the inspirational next chapter. In White Bird: A Wonder Story, we follow Julian (Bryce Gheisar), who has struggled to belong ever since he was expelled from his former school for his treatment of Auggie Pullman. To transform his life, Julian’s grandmother (Helen Mirren) finally reveals to Julian her own story of courage — during her youth in Nazi-occupied France, a boy shelters her from mortal danger. They find first love in a stunning, magical world of their own creation, while the boy’s mother (Gillian Anderson) risks everything to keep her safe. From director Marc Forster (Finding Neverland and Christopher Robin), screenwriter Mark Bomback, and based on R.J. Palacio’s book, White Bird: A Wonder Story, like Wonder before it, is an uplifting movie about how one act of kindness can live on forever.
全球賣座《奇蹟男孩》新篇再掀感動。因欺凌「奇蹟男孩」奧吉而被退學的朱里安(布萊斯基薩 飾)轉校後難以適應新生活。他接待從巴黎而來的外婆(莎拉海倫美蘭 飾)時,得知原來她年輕時也遇過一名「奇蹟男孩」:二戰期間,仍是中學生的莎拉(艾維拉基沙 飾)認識了殘障男同學祖利安(奧蘭度舒韋特 飾),雖然他經常受欺凌,但始終保持善良之心。一日,納粹軍到學校追捕身為猶太人的莎拉,幸得祖利安伸出援手,不但協助她逃跑,還帶她到家裡的小木屋避難。為了保護莎拉,祖利安一家以勇氣、愛與犧牲,對抗無處不在的恐懼…在最黑暗的時刻,一個善良的舉動,成為改變人一生的奇蹟!
movie trailer (English subtitled)