Sakra (2023) 天龍八部之喬峰傳 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled)

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Sakra (2023) 天龍八部之喬峰傳 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region Free

Donnie Yen 甄子丹
Yukee Chen 陳鈺琪
Cya Liu 劉雅瑟
Grace Wong 王君馨
Kara Hui 惠英紅
Wu Yue 吳樾

Donnie Yen 甄子丹

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby Digital 5.1

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:  
- minutes (TBA)

CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
9 Oct 2022

During the Northern Song dynasty, Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggars’ Sect, was a heroic and chivalrous man who was respected by the whole martial arts world. But he was suddenly accused of being a Khitan, which made him isolated by friends and allies. Qiao Feng met Azhu the maid from Murong family on his journey to find out about his origin and enemies...

北宋年間,丐幫幫主喬峰 (甄子丹 飾) 英雄俠義,受武林擁戴,却突遭指認爲契丹人而衆叛親離。追尋身世,尋找仇人途中,喬峰與慕容家婢女阿朱 (陳鈺琪 飾) 相識相知,情愫互生。二人歷經聚賢莊、雁門關、鏡湖風波,直至阿朱因馬夫人 (王君馨 飾) 設計被喬峰錯殺,喬峰終查出一切皆是慕容復 (吳樾 飾) 爲復辟燕國的陰謀,喬峰憤而找上慕容復,誓要為阿朱報仇….

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Sakra (2023) 天龍八部之喬峰傳 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled)

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