PlayStation Games
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PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Steven Yeun
Han Ye-ri
Youn Yuh-jung
Will Patton
Alan S. Kim
Noel Cho
Lee Isaac Chung
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital EX
Original Soundtrack (mainly in English, part-of Korean) 電影原聲 (主要英語, 部份韓語)
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
116 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
29 Sept 2021
A tender and sweeping story about what roots us, Minari follows a Korean-American family that moves to a tiny Arkansas farm in search of their own American Dream. The family home changes completely with the arrival of their sly, foul-mouthed, but incredibly loving grandmother.
Amidst the instability and challenges of this new life in the rugged Ozarks, Minarishows the undeniable resilience of family and what really makes a home.
一個追尋美國夢的韓裔移民家庭,毅然從加州移居到阿肯色州,希望藉著經營農場開創新天地。一家之主積及(Steven Yeun 飾)雄心壯志,視之為夢想之地;但妻子莫妮嘉(韓藝璃 飾)卻愁腸百結,認為這片窮鄉僻壤無可作為,更為兩名子女的成長感到擔憂。
夫妻二人終日忙於工作且經常發生爭執,直到安排了粗口爛舌但慈祥睿智的外婆(尹汝貞 飾),從南韓來到美國協助照顧孫兒,始為這個家庭帶來翻天覆地的變化,讓他們醒悟到原來在奮力建立家園的同時,竟遺忘了「家」的真締。歷盡千山萬水,終於領會到只要夢想不滅,到處是吾家的道理。
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)