Late Spring (2014) 春之雕零 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Korean aka Bom

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Late Spring (2014) 春之雕零 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Korean aka Bom

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)

Park Yong-Woo
Kim Seo-Hyung
Lee Yoo-Young
Kim Soo-Ahn
Han Hye-Jin
Bae Soo-Bin
Im Seul-Ong
Jin Goo

Cho Keun-Hyun

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
103 minutes

CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
15 Nov 2019

Set in the 1960's. Joo-Goo (Park Yong-Woo) is viewed as Korea's best sculptor, but he suffers from a disease which will paralyze his body slowly. He gives up interests in the arts and just spends his days meaninglessly. His wife, Jung-Sook (Kim Seo-Hyung), tries to find a nude model for him, hoping the model might inspire to sculpt again.

One day, the wife meets Min-Gyung (Lee Yoo-Young).

在1969 年,知名天才雕刻家金俊救(樸勇宇 飾)得了 絕症,最終會癱瘓。心灰意冷的他決定終結自己的藝 術事業,和太太貞淑(金瑞亨-飾)回到家鄉靜養,俊救 表現得若無其事,但貞淑還是將丈夫的落寞看在眼 裡。一天,在發放糧食時,貞淑看見了身材勻稱的年 輕媽媽李敏敬(李宥英-飾),便生了找敏敬做裸體模特 兒的念頭,貞淑想藉由敏敬讓俊救突破疾病帶來的苦 悶,重拾雕刻刀與對生命的熱誠。年輕貌美的敏敬為 俊救帶來了靈感,敏敬也從俊救身上學到了許多她從 未看過的事物。就在作品即將完成之際,敏敬的丈夫 意外發現妻子在當裸體模特兒,怒火中燒的他來到工 作室將作品打爛,俊救的病也在此刻爆發,最終俊救 還是完成了作品。作品完成的那日,他說:「我的身 體雖迎來寒冬,但我的作品卻迎來了春天。」

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  • Late Spring (2014) 春之雕零 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Korean aka Bom
  • Late Spring (2014) 春之雕零 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Korean aka Bom

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