PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Raymond Wong 黃百鳴
Wong Ka Kui 黃家駒@Beyond
Wong Ka Keung 黃家強@Beyond
Paul Wong 黃貫中@Beyond
Yip Sai Wing 葉世榮@Beyond
Pauline Yeung 楊寶玲
Loletta Lee 李麗珍
May Lo 羅美薇
Fennie Yuen 袁潔瑩
Charine Chan Ka Ling 陳加玲
Wong Kwong Leung 黃光亮
Bowie Wu 胡楓
Charlie Cho 曹查理
Clifton Ko 高志森
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital EX
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
89 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
13 May 2022
Hong Sum Kwai (Raymond Wong) is enjoying a second life in metropolis Hong Kong. His girlfriend, Annie (Pauline Yeung), is oblivious to the fact that her former incarnation was the village girl who perished the Sheriff to eternal suffering. Hong Sum Kwai teaches at the school where Annie's father serves as the principal. There are four sprightly yet mischievous male students (Beyond) in Hong Sum Kwai's charge, but they are duped by the girls (Loletta Lee, Fennie Yuen, May Lo, Charine Chan) and left stranded in the wilderness discovering the dead body of the Sheriff...
開心鬼的「今世」康森貴(黃百鳴 飾)快樂地生活在人間,並結識了新的女友安妮(楊寶玲 飾)。安妮的前世正是誤殺余元帥的村姑小尼。安妮今世投胎為人,當然不會知前世所作之事。康森貴於安妮父親任校長的學校任教,班內有四男生:文、武、英、傑(Beyond 樂隊 飾),雖然活潑善良,但亦非常鬼靈精怪,且經常與康森貴處處對立。開心鬼的「前世」朱秀才(黃百鳴 飾)因要準備投胎轉世做人,便與康森貴告別,康森貴的超能力也因此消失。而文、武、英、傑為了追求四大名校花:梅、蘭、菊、竹(李麗珍、袁潔瑩、羅美薇、陳加玲 飾)被整蠱至流落荒郊,並駭然發現余元帥之遺骸。雖然屍骨已化,仍將盔甲帶回宿舍。余元帥吸了四子陽氣後復活,打算找安妮報仇......