Gladiator II (2024) 帝國驕雄II (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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Gladiator II (2024) 帝國驕雄II (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)

Paul Mescal
Denzel Washington
Pedro Pascal
Connie Nielsen
Joseph Quinn

Ridley Scott

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby Digital 5.1

English, Japanese, Thai

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Japanese, Korean, Thai

Running Time:  
- minutes (TBA)

Paramount / Manta Lab Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
4 Mar 2025

Returning to the action and spectacle that have captured moviegoers around the world, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will take audiences on a ‘90s globetrotting adventure with the Autobots and introduce a whole new faction of Transformers – the Maximals – to join them as allies in the existing battle for earth. Directed by Steven Caple Jr. and starring Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback.

由傳奇導演列尼史葛執導的《帝國驕雄II》延續了古羅馬權力、陰謀與復仇的史詩傳奇。盧修斯(保羅麥斯卡 飾)童年時目睹受萬人景仰的英雄麥師武死於舅父之手,長大成人的他,在其家園被以鐵腕統治的暴君征服後,被迫進入競技場為生存而戰。心中懷著怒火,面對帝國的未來,盧修斯必須回顧自己的過去,尋找力量與榮譽,將羅馬的光榮帶回人民的身邊。

movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Gladiator II (2024) 帝國驕雄II (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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