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Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region Free
Directors and Producers:
Peng Xiaolian
S. Louisa Wei
Audio Tracks:
Picture Format:
English, Mandarin
Running Time:
137 minutes
Blue Queen Cultural Communication Ltd. (2009)
Kam & Ronson Enterprises Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
30 Sept 2014
Chairman Mao Zedong was locked upon as "the Red Sun" in China.Many regarded him as the "God" who saved the Chinese people from years of war and suffering, but Mao's delty status was achieved by destroying the autonomy of Chinese intellectuals, silencing them through the implementation of Communist regime and a series of political "storms." Storm under the Sun is about he storm which fell upon Hu Feng, a renowned writer and literary theorist since the 1930s. He founded the July and Hope magazines and nurtured a generation of poets and writers. The Communist Party organized rounds of systematic criticism on Hu Feng between 1944 and 1954. In 1955, Mao personally directed a nation-wide campaign against him and his associates. The Hu Feng Case resulted in the imprisonment of 92 Chinese intellectuals, mostly poets and writers, and led the incrimination of more than 2100 people. Some of these victims were Hu Feng's friends or students, but most only knew him through his works. This documentary is the first the revisit these events after more than half a century, inviting nearly thirty survivors of the harsh "storm" to reveal the cruel truths that lie beneath China's official history. Archive footage, animations, woodcut prints and original music are woven into his rich narrative.