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Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Pope Francis
Director & Writer:
Wim Wenders
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
English, Portuguese, Spanish
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
various production companies (2018)
Universal Pictures / Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK
Release Date:
5 Oct 2018
An unexpected turn from the versatile German filmmaker – who knew Wim Wenders had been raised Catholic? Provided rare access to the pope, Wenders follows and listens rather than interrogating his subject. Hence the subtle force of the film lies in the very nearness of a leader who feels the church has become a “field hospital after a battle.” Facing global challenges of doctrinal change, social inequality and environmental issues, Pope Francis offers answers both smaller and larger, framed by his individual interactions and words among the poor, the children, and the condemned.
與其說《教宗知行錄》是關於教宗方濟各﹙Pope Francis﹚的紀錄片,不如視為一次偕聖同行的心靈誌。 讓鏡頭帶你追隨現任教宗,看他為美洲囚犯洗腳,探訪非洲病童,為亞洲風災災民祈禱,錄下他如何念茲在茲,心繫貧富懸殊、環境災難,呼籲世界和平;聽其對同性戀和墮胎問題的非傳統回應,其一心推動教廷改革的志向,尤為顯著。 本片由三度榮獲「金像獎」提名的雲溫達斯﹙Wim Wenders﹚編導,是梵蒂岡與影壇罕見的合作結晶,當中雲溫達斯以最簡單直接的手法,讓方濟各直面觀眾,以聖言跨越人間信仰,恢復身處後真相年代所不易建立的信心;此外也將教宗的看法和訊息發放開去,闡釋當下世人面對的生活課題,包括死亡、移民、社會公義及物質主義等等。 由瑞士、意大利、法國、德國聯合攝製的《教宗知行錄》,早前於2018年法國「康城電影節」上隆重首映,近日亦在本港「夏日國際電影節」中感悟播放,動容者眾。