PlayStation Games
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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
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US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Gianfranco Rosi
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Original Soundtrack
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
various production companies (2015)
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
27 Feb 2017
Samuele is 12 years old and lives on an island in the middle of the sea. He goes to school, loves shooting his slingshot and going hunting. He likes land games, even though everything around him speaks of the sea and the men, women and children who try to cross it to get to his island. But his is not an island like the others, its name is Lampedusa and it is the most symbolic border of Europe, crossed by thousands of migrants in the last 20 years in search of freedom.
蘭佩杜薩島,一個位於意大利西西里醉人的島嶼。它,離歐洲最遠,卻離非洲最近 。20 年來,多達 40 萬來自非洲及中東的難民橫渡地中海湧入,當中超過一萬五千人罹難。他們的生命,就在追尋希望的一刻,終結。同時,一宗宗死亡的新聞,亦劃破島上的安寜,令這個擁有全球最美麗沙灘的小島,轉眼變成『死亡之地』。史上首位連奪『金獅』『金熊』的紀錄片大師喬安法蘭高羅西,繼續走入社會核心,直接捕捉極具爭議性的真實,罕有紀錄島上現況,深入支援隊內部,赤裸審視歐洲難民危機。極其精準到位的剪接,梅花間竹併列島上居民日常與難民登島細節,鋪陳出異常震撼的對照。只是簡單的一句感言,一個無力的眼神,足以穿過鏡頭刺穿人心。水火本不相容,我們到底做了什麼,令人類不得為着生存而死亡?本片榮獲今屆柏林影展金熊獎『最佳電影』。
trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)